Category Archives for "Motivation"
Finding fitness motivation is a very important part of how a woman takes care of her body, and a lot of us feel the need to find places that will help us get on a diet, change out overall lifestyle, and improve how we look.
There are a lot of people who are writing and posting about fitness online, so you can get lost trawling through it all, and still not find anything of real value.
There are some blogs below that I like, that will help women get on a plan and stay on that plan.
They are all a little bit different, but they all have something to offer you some new ideas to keep you motivated and on track.
Carrots and Cake by Tina, who wants people to have their cake and eat it too. She's a married mum, so she knows the challenges that so many women face balancing everything life throws your way.
Apart from having the most wonderful friendly smile, Tina will help make you feel better about including healthy cheat treats into your diet.
Her blog was created to help women find a diet plan that would allow them to get their diet on track, learn how to exercise, and learn how to cook.
Learn how to cheat on your diet in a good way, and you can see some comic relief on the site that makes it a much better place to be.
Tina is also responsive to any questions left on her site, so I suggest you reach out to her for any personal tips that you might want.
fit bottomed girls
Fit Bottomed Girls is a blog that is dedicated to making women fit and strong, without any fad diets.
Follow this site to see your curves change, and you will start to feel like what you are doing will work.
There are many women who I think come to this site because they want to look their best. They can learn how to diet, and they can learn a lot of things about how they can lift and get strong.
Plus, the name of the sit is a good play on a Queen title, and that's pretty cool in itself:).
Fit Bottomed Girls is a place where women can come to learn something that they did not know about their bodies, and feel encouraged by seeing other regular women who are following a healthy lifestyle, without becoming obsessed with the latest fitness fad.
Blogilates is the new yoga.
Created by Cassey Ho, this site will introduce you to her own style of fitness blended with fun.
Pilates is just one thing that you can do to get fit, but you will find that coming to this site will help you learn how the Pilates program will change your life, and you will feel like you can get the best tips for this.
You have to do something that you can feel comfortable with, and you could learn some tips not just about the mat workouts but about the machines.
The machines in Pilates could be very motivating, and you will find that you can use the blog as a way to pick up tips on the Pilates workout plan.
Pilates can change a woman's whole life because it makes her feel young and look younger.
Workout Mommy has created a beautiful blog that chronicles all her adventures with food and dieting with children.
As a single mum with four children, Lisa knows just how hard it can be, and her site is dedicated to helping you stay motivated and on task.
She is working hard on the diet that she has formulated, and she often explains how a woman could make her own food, change the way that they are managing their food, and help these women look amazing because they are also working out as part of their program.
Workout Mommy explains the workouts that she does, and she has a lot of motivational tips on the site that are useful to ladies when they need a little bit more help changing their lifestyle or their diet.
Nerd Fitness is a place for people to go when they do not feel like they could actually start working out.
Steve Kamb and his team at Nerd Fitness want to share their message, that fitness is for everyone.
I think that's a great mindset!
The women who come to this blog are probably working in sciences, office jobs or other areas that have never given them a chance to learn how to work out or get in shape, and they need assistance learning how to get started.
These women need a boost of confidence in their workout plans because they do not know if they can do it. They go to nerd fitness because it talks to them in their language.
You can have a chance to feel completely different about your body, and they will have many options for changing your workouts or overhauling your lifestyle.
Anyone who is afraid of starting out should remember that they can check our and join the Nerd Fitness team.
Breaking Muscle has done a great job of helping women understand that they can build muscle into their bodies just like anyone else.
The site has a collection of contributed articles by expert fitness trainers and nutritionists, that cover a really broad range of topics, so there is likely to be something new to learn for any of us.
A woman who wants to get strong without being too muscular could use the site as a way to learn how you can be lean and trim.
These women will start to feel like they have brand new bodies, and they can come back to the site for more tips and tricks.
You will find that you can ask questions in the articles if you want to get more information about working out and changing your body.
Fitness on Toast
Fitness On Toast was created by Faya Nilsson and shares her love of nutrition, fitness and fashion with you.
The site has a really interesting list of categories that will keep you browsing for hours.
Some of my favorites were the Fit Tech, where Faya shares details of all kinds of great new fitness gadgets to help keep you on track, and the Why To category, that has an interesting collection of articles on why to do things like, cook with spices, or drink coffee.
The mixture of fashion with fitness and healthy lifestyle that Faya has created here, really aligns with my own heart, and it is one of my favorite sites to go to in search of new fitness motivation.
Perhaps it will become one of your favorites too.
Hungry Runner Girl
Hungry Runner Girl is created by Janae who runs often and competitively. She is working very hard to get her body into shape with a run every day, and she has built up a diet around her runs and her lifestyle choices.
Having three children and a husband to care for as well, it's really motivational that she fits in so much training, and has achieved a sub 3hr marathon time to go with it.
You will find a really useful collection of running workouts and diet tips, so for those who are attracted to running for fitness, this site rocks!
Fitness motivation comes in all styles, and this style appeals to my own heart:).
If you really just need a quick hit of fitness motivation then check out this list of 101 motivational quotes, that's sure to have something that will give you a lift.
The women who come to these websites are looking for the best motivation that they can find, searching for something that speaks to them personally, to find the extra motivation that keeps them going to reach their next goal.
I hope that you will all find something on these sites that motivates you, as I have.
I find them all to be really genuine and gimmick free, which is a great starting point for me:)
If you've found another motivational site that has helped you with your fitness or healthy eating, please share it with us in the comments below, as I always love reading new content by people with a passion for health and fitness.
Do you sometimes feel as if the fire within has just gone out? It's only human to feel like you've taken a beating, and the dreams you've held dear might just not be worth it after all. Reading a few of these motivational quotes will give you renewed mental strength, and the energy that flows from it, to continue the pursuit of your dreams.
Don't underestimate the great power that is to be found within a few wisely chosen words.
Your determination, not to give up, will ensure your success.
Health is the vital principle of bliss, and exercise, of health.
I look at fitness as a necessity in the same way as how you drink water,
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.
If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride -
Never Never Never Give Up.
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others
Be more; Do more; Live more.
Focused, hard work is the real key to success.
The path to success is to take massive, determined action.
A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts
Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.
You become a champion by fighting one more round.
Being defeated is often a temporary condition.
They can conquer who believe they can.
Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask.
I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
Only I can change my life.
Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.
All the adversity I've had in my life,....
Having the right mental approach is one of the biggest keys to getting what you want out of life.
You need to build belief in yourself, and in the good things that life has available to you, and that belief will carry you through any of the tough times that you encounter on your way to achieving your biggest, wildest goals.
If you have any other motivational quotes which you love, then please feel free to share them by leaving a comment below.
I hope that you find these quotes as inspirational as I do, that you never ever lose faith in just how great your life can be, and that all your dreams do come true!