home workout plan for women

Home workout plan for women

You might think that following a home workout plan for women won't achieve as good a body as you would build if your workouts were gym based exercises. You'd be wrong!

A workout plan which allows you to create a variety of workouts will keep your body challenged, so whether you want to build muscle, increase strength, create weight loss or practically any other training goal a home workout plan is easily adaptable, and will keep you on track to get your fitness goals.

On the other hand, when you are training in the gym environment it is really easy to get stuck in the rut of doing the same thing over and over, and after a while your fitness gains will get smaller and harder to achieve.

COVID 19 has shown us all that you can't always rely on having a centre to train in, but hey we're all strong adaptable women, so we're not letting that hold us back. 

Why you should create a home workout plan

Can you do workouts at home?

Hell yes you can!

Don't let anyone make you think that you need a gym to build muscle and workout like a champion.

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Once you've got some basic equipment, it's free to train at home, and you'll also save time because you get to train at a time that suites you without needing any travel. The upside is great, so don't let anything hold you back.

But just training free style, without having any type of planned program will make it hard to ensure you are doing the right type of progressive exercises, getting enough rest and staying motivated.

The biggest benefit you will find from taking the time to plan properly before you start is that you are far more likely to see significant results. 

home workout for body goals

How to create an effective home workout plan

What is the best home workout routine?

That is a pretty common question, so surely someone has already answered it for you. I've just googled it, and received about 195,000,000 answers. I've looked through the first five pages, and everyone has a different suggestion. My head's spinning, it's so confusing;

  • 28 best home workouts...
  • 10 of the best...
  • workouts without equipment...
  • exercise with equipment...
  • etc, etc, etc.
  • With that many choices and different variables, where everyone seems to have a different opinion it can make it really hard to decide on a fitness plan which is right for you. It's easy to waste lots of time and energy trying to workout without being able to get the results you desire.

    I'm not making negative comment about any of these programs, just pointing out that you will be far better off if you learn how to create your own, the right way.

    It's far better to take some time and decide on some fitness goals you want to achieve, then you will be able to narrow the choices down to target the right workout which you can get done at home to produce the most effective results. 

    benefits of home workout plan for women

    First step;

    You need to work out your fitness goals.

    Each goal should be smart;

    S = specific

    M = measurable

    A = achievable

    R = Realistic

    T = Timely

    So, one example goal could be; My workout will need to burn at least 600 calories and will take me no longer than one hour.

    Another example goal could be; my current body weight is 70kg's and by week 10 of my workout program my body weight should be 65kg.

    You should work out smart goals for each aspect of your workout program which is important to you including things like;

  • body weight goals
  • body fat % goals
  • strength goals
  • required training time
  • rest periods both while training and for recovery
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • Remember to make your goals focus on things that are achievable for you, as every time you reach your goal, it will help to motivate you to set new goals and continue progressing every day.

    Second step;

    How to record your workout and progress.

    Given each of your goals above will be measurable it's important to be able to record the results of each workout.

    That will enable you to track your progress to ensure you achieve the set goal. It's particularly important to record what weight you are using in each workout together with the number of reps completed, so that you ensure the program is creating a progressive overload. You can read more about that, and why it's important here.

    You will find a good selection of fitness tracking apps here I suggest that you look to use different options that are free to start with, until you have a better feel for what type of functionality and features are the right one for you.

    A program like my fitness pal is a popular one which will allow you to track your nutrition as well which is something that you really will need to do to reach your body goals. 

    Third step;

    Choose which exercises to include in your program, to produce results you'll love.

    You will need to assess what exercise equipment and resources are available to use, including things like;

    • a dumbbell set;
    • bands;
    • medicine ball;
    • kettle bells;
    • barbell with weights;
    • bike either stationary or mobile;
    • any other portable gym gear.

    Once you have assessed your equipment and resources that will narrow down the range of exercises to include in your workouts.

    Remember that it's important to choose activities which you will enjoy doing, so that you actually feel like doing them regularly as part of your workout.

    Obviously you will be tracking the calories burned during each different workout, and so will be able to refine your program as you need to, but to get started you can use reference sources to estimate how many calories each workout will burn. 

    This handy calculator will give you a starting guide;

    Calories Burned Calculator

    Example six week workout plan for women

    Can you get in shape in six weeks?

    Well, that depends on your starting point, and what you actually consider "in shape" means.

    If you are already a reasonably fit and healthy women and you commit to follow your program consistently then it's probably possible for you to achieve a body image which would generally be considered to be in shape.

    The following is an example six week program of workouts using bodyweight, dumbbells, kettlebells and a skipping rope. The program is completed as a circuit moving from one exercise to the next, and back to the beginning to run through all exercises again until the required number of sets is completed.

    It will be a good workout program to increase strength, lose some weight and if you keep the pace up get some cardiovascular benefits as well.

    We're going to do a set workout three times per week, with a day in between each. You can also add in some extra cardio on alternate days in between, by going for a run or biking. You will be exercising between five and six days in each cycle depending on your starting level of fitness and how much rest your body needs to recover.

    You will find images of each workout exercise following right below the program

    Weeks one and two training program
    session 1
    • 3 minutes skipping x 2 sets
    • body weight squats 10 reps x 3 sets
    • stiff leg deadlift with kettle bell 10 reps x 3 sets
    • Wall sit 30 seconds x 3 sets
    • Dumbbell lunges 10 reps each leg x 3 sets
    • Plank for 30 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • Push ups 10 reps x 3 sets
    session 2
    • 3 minutes skipping x 2 sets
    • Bicep curls 10 reps x 3 sets
    • Triceps curls 10 reps x 3 sets
    • kettlebell swings 10 reps x 3 sets
    • push ups 10 reps x 3 sets
    • Plank for 30 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • leg raises 10 reps x 3 sets
    Session 3
    • 3 minutes skipping x 2 sets
    • push ups 10 reps x 3 sets
    • burpees 10 reps x 3 sets
    • Chin ups 5 reps x 3 sets
    • Plank for 30 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • Sit ups 10 reps x 3 sets
    • Star jumps 10 reps x 3 sets
    Weeks three and four training program
    session 1
    • 3 minutes skipping x 3 sets
    • Flying lunges 10 reps x 3 sets
    • Single leg squat (pistol squat) 5 reps each leg x 3 sets
    • Donkey kicks 10 both legs x 3 sets
    • Dumbbell lunges 10 reps each leg x 3 sets
    • Plank for 60 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • Push ups 12 reps x 3 sets
    session 2
    • 3 minutes skipping x 3 sets
    • Bicep curls 12 reps x 3 sets
    • Triceps curls 12 reps x 3 sets
    • kettlebell swings 12 reps x 3 sets
    • push ups 12 reps x 3 sets
    • Plank for 60 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • leg raises 15 reps x 3 sets
    Session 3
    • 3 minutes skipping x 3 sets
    • push ups 12 reps x 3 sets
    • burpees 15 reps x 3 sets
    • Chin ups 7 reps x 3 sets
    • Plank for 60 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • Sit ups 15 reps x 3 sets
    • Star jumps 15 reps x 3 sets
    Weeks five and six training program
    session 1
    • 3 minutes skipping x 4 sets
    • body weight squats 10 reps x 4 sets
    • stiff leg deadlift with kettle bell 10 reps x 4 sets
    • Wall sit 30 seconds x 4 sets
    • Dumbbell lunges 10 reps each leg x 4 sets
    • Plank for 90 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • Push ups 10 reps x 4 sets
    session 2
    • 3 minutes skipping x 4 sets
    • Bicep curls 10 reps x 4 sets
    • Triceps curls 10 reps x 4 sets
    • kettlebell swings 10 reps x 4 sets
    • push ups 10 reps x 4 sets
    • Plank for 90 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • leg raises 10 reps x 4 sets
    Session 3
    • 3 minutes skipping x 4 sets
    • push ups 10 reps x 4 sets
    • burpees 10 reps x 4 sets
    • Chin ups 5 reps x 4 sets
    • Plank for 90 seconds (make sure you keep a straight back)
    • Sit ups 10 reps x 4 sets
    • Star jumps 10 reps x 4 sets
    home workout plan for women - skipping


    body weight squat

    Body weight squat

    stiff legged deadlift upright

    Stiff legged deadlift upright

    stiff legged deadlift - forward

    Stiff legged deadlift - forward

    home workout plan for women - wall sit

    Wall sit

    dumbbell lunges upright

    Dumbbell lunges upright

    dumbell lunges forward

    Dumbell lunges forward

    home workout plan for women - plank


    home workout plan for women - push ups

    Push ups

    body goals - bicep curls

    Bicep curls

    body goals - tricep curls

    Tricep curls

    kettlebell swings

    Kettlebell swings

    leg raises

    leg raises



    Chin ups

    Chin ups

    sit ups

    Sit ups

    star jumps

    Star jumps

    body goals - flying lunges

    Flying lunges

    pistol squat

    Pistol squat

    donkey kick

    Donkey kick


    You are now armed with the knowledge to design your own optimum workout, which can be done at home with minimal equipment.

    Remember to always allow your body to recover between workouts, as it is important to have sufficient rest so that you recover and can power back and perform well in your next workout.

    All women who workout and build increased strength, also build increased confidence.

    Strong really is the new black!

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    Home Workout Plan for Women
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    Home Workout Plan for Women
    Try this home workout plan for women, and find the best plan to achieve your body goals, feel great even if you can't get to the gym.
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    Sara Crave
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    Ana Maria

    As a certified strength coach and nutritionist, with a passion for living life and continual improvement, Ana Maria believes that every woman should bring out her inner goddess. A healthy active lifestyle, commitment to training and good nutrition are the keys. As the creator of Sara Crave, Ana Maria shares her passions for fitness, fun and fashion with you.

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