1 Simple Recipe To Improve Your Health

Juice recipe

Super Healthy Simple Recipe;

I’m going to share with you, the simple recipe for a juice that I have been drinking during the last month, which I’ve  found has great results for my body.  It’s really easy to prepare, tastes great, and I’m sure it will give you a boost too!

Juice recipe

Juice Ingredients

What’s in it?


Carrots are rich in carbohydrates, beta-carotene, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and K, Folate, Niacin and Pantothenic Acid. Carrots are considered one of the most important sources to guard against eye disease, premature aging and cardiovascular problems.


Beetroot is a source of B vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6 and also contains vitamin C, Potassium, Carotenoids and Folate. The beetroot’s components are said to help to decrease the development of cancer in the lungs, skin and liver and also, reduces  anaemia and regulates the thyroid.


Apples are rich in vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, Folic Acid, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus and Potassium. They’re also a source of fibre that helps with the digestive system


Ginger contains over eighty nutrients, and adds great flavour to whatever you add it to, so what more reasons do you need?  Well, it’s said to help with gastro relief, nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy, has anti-inflammatory effects, protects against colorectal cancer, induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells, and has immune boosting properties.

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What’s in it for you?

As mentioned, the Folate contained in the beetroot and carrot helps in the formation of red and white blood cell in the body, thus helping to fortify the immune system.

As a result of these powerful foods, beetroot, carrots, apple and ginger combined you will have a delicious juice which deliver a lot of vitamins and fibre to support the immune system and the weight loss process, because the level of satisfaction that it provides will help your body to fight off cravings.  A glass of this in the morning does really fill you up.

I found that since I started to make this juice, my nails have gotten stronger and my hair is growing faster, I am not craving chocolates and sweets as I sometimes did before, for the satisfaction that I have, as this is a nice tasting treat as well as a health kick.

I usually make and drink this juice every morning on an empty stomach before breakfast. I prepare this juice for two people every day, so you might want to halve the ingredients if you don’t need that much.


  • 2 Apples
  • 2 Beetroot
  • 250 gms of Carrots
  • 1 piece of ginger

Sometimes I add celery, just for an extra dose of fibre, but I believe you don’t really need it, because the taste of this drink is awesome and it’s already pack full of benefits for your body.

Just chop each of the raw ingredients into chunks, put them through the juicer and drink straight away while fresh.

Fresh Juice Recipe

Fresh Juice

It’s easy and nutritious, and even your kids will like it, so you can keep them away from the sugar laden sweet drinks that are constantly pushed to them.

Great for the dedicated fitness trainer, or the whole family.

Try this simple recipe for yourself, and share your results with us!

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Try some of these 31 healthy dessert recipes.

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Ana Maria

As a certified strength coach and nutritionist, with a passion for living life and continual improvement, Ana Maria believes that every woman should bring out her inner goddess. A healthy active lifestyle, commitment to training and good nutrition are the keys. As the creator of Sara Crave, Ana Maria shares her passions for fitness, fun and fashion with you.

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